
Tuesday 21 April 2020

How To Make Chocolate Chip Muffins

WALT: Learn to bake delicious food.

Intro: First I found a recipe online for Chocolate chip muffins. Second of all I copied the recipe onto a piece of paper. Then I followed the recipe and made my magnificent muffins. 


  1. YUMMY!!!! They look delicious! You going to have to bring me a tasty choc-chip muffin when we back at school... muffins are my favourite! How did they turn out?

  2. Great baking Brendon, maybe your new name could be Baker Brendon? hope they tasted as good as they looked.

  3. I'm always on the look-out for "another" Muffin Recipe - the simpler the better as far as I'm concerned ... and yours looked delicious. Baking is an awesome way of understanding and practicing 'measurement'- as you not only get to measure, but you also get to eat the end product as well !
