
Monday 26 November 2018

That Was Waiari

That was Waiari.

Remember manuing off the rocks into the clear sparkling ocean?

Remember drinking hot milo and shaving chocolate chip cookies into your mouth?

That was Waiari.

Remember watching star wars : a new hope in the tent?

Remember thinking who is going find first in spot light?

That was Waiari.

Remember surfing as fast as a penguin sliding on his tummy?

Do you remember with martoa rine in till you get a stitch?  

That was Waiari.                                                                                  

Tuesday 18 September 2018

Keep Mangonui Ataahua

Mangonui is a great and beautiful place.But people keep
dropping things like coke zero and doritos.We need to
stop people from dropping rubbish.

What we need to do,is put our litter in the bin instead
of on the
ground. If you do drop it on the ground,
it will go in the drain and it will led to the sea. That
means, our ocean will be full of rubbish and therefore I
can’t surf !!!

We all need to stop using single use plastics. Because all sea life can die. However you don’t want a none beautiful ocean, so we should stop using single use plastics should we? Wherever you go to pakn save  and get something you can recycle and reuse when you can. Because you should reuse it instead of chucking it in the bin do you know why? Because it will just fly out!

So we need to remember to keep Mangonui ataahua

Tuesday 26 June 2018


Once upon a time...there was a woman named Rona.  Rona lived on a pa with her family. Rona was beautiful her hair shone in the air. But one other thing that everyone knew was that she was bossy! She always yelled at everybody because she thinks that she is the boss of everybody.  Do you know why she was mad? Because she had a bad childhood. Rona’s family was going fishing.”The moon is just right for fishing so we are going to fish’’said dad. “We will be waiting for a hangi when we get home tomorrow night”.

The next day Rona was making a hangi. She noticed that she ran out of water. So she went down a path to get some water.Then it got dark then she could not see the path. Then she tripped over a rock. “OOOWW!!!”shouted Rona.”BOIL YOUR HEAD!”she shouted at the moon.The moon was very angry at Rona, because she used very harsh words.

So the moon grabbed Rona. Rona got hold of a tree. But the moon was too strong for Rona. When Rona’s family came home they couldn’t see Rona until they looked up at the moon.  There she was frozen on the surface of the moon.

Thursday 10 May 2018

Mangonui Harbour

In the morning, I see a misty sunrise in the distance. I hear the tide crashing
against the jagged rocks. I eat fish and chips that taste as good as chocolate
chips cookies. The wet salt water is as cold as ice. The Mangonui harbour is
wonderful and awesome.

Thursday 5 April 2018

Tuesday 13 March 2018

Wednesday 14 February 2018

Sunday 4 February 2018

The Best Part Me.

I think the best part of me is my brain.My brain looks like a squishy little pink sponge in my head.I use my brain when I read books,and do maths.If didn't have a brain I wouldn't be smart.I wouldn't know how to eat,then I will starve to death.That is why I choose my brain as the best body part.